Who We Are
At Momentum Pathway LLC, we provide self-esteem and etiquette coaching to empower young women between ages 12 to 18 years old. Our etiquette and self-esteem classes empower young women to be the best that they can be and above and beyond. We are all about access and exposing young women to environments and practices that will ultimately make them successful. We believe that with the right training, guidance and coaching, these young people can change the world. We want to close the gap in economic disparity by providing access to these valuable skills for young women from a variety of backgrounds.
Not only do we work with youth to focus on presenting themselves with style, grace, and proper etiquette, we are also in the business of teaching them how to love themselves. Through real life applications and teaching, we show young girls the basics of etiquette and how to carry themselves with high self-esteem. Exuding proper behavior at a formal dinner and other social etiquette practices are all life skills that a young woman needs to succeed in life both personally and professionally.